Visual management and lean in services
In service organisations there are many opportunities for improvement. Key elements are typically customer focus, quality and turnaround where visualising, analysing and improving processes form the focus. By using visual management the value for the customer will increase, the processes will run more efficiently and employee involvement will increase.
Lean in the service sector
When we talk about lean, the reaction of people in the service sector is often: Yes, it does work in the manufacturing sector, but not with us because we have no production and no supplies! That is not the case. Within the service sector, lean thinking can improve processes. Lean and Six Sigma applications are consequently growing in popularity in the service sector.
Mission, vision and strategy
An example of visualisation of lean in the service sector is working with boards that support the strategy of the organisation. Together with REAAL we have designed an information board (see illustration). On the board, next to the PDCA cycle of the employees themselves, there is space for strategic goals and customer feedback. We work with magnetic windows for the strategic goals and a large writable area in the middle where current data can be noted. The board has been rolled out nationwide through the different branches.

Assess projects
Another form of visual support in lean is to monitor the project objectives within the service sector. For a service provider in the Southern Netherlands, we have developed an Objectives Tracker (see picture) on which various projects are being monitored. The projects and owners are printed annually by TnP on magnetic strips. The status of the projects is visualised with red, yellow and green smileys (see illustration). The board is updated monthly and discussed in team meetings and forms the basis for the local bonus system.
Team boards
Apart from all of the processes and accompanying lean elements, there is sometimes a need for an information flow that is focused on the team environment. A team board (also called a mood board) is one example. We have supplied magnetic materials for a national service provider for a team board (see illustration). The board is widely used for both operations and strategic issues.
Are you curious about the possibilities for your organisation? We love to brainstorm about the best opportunities and solutions for you. Tailor-made service and giving advice is what we do. Contact TnP.