"Teamwall creëert betrokkenheid en eenheid”
In the year 1919, the family business ‘Brabantia’ was founded in the Dutch village Aalst. In the beginning producing milkcontainers, cans, sieves and funnels, nowadays Brabantia is known by producing sustainable household products and innovative concepts. 95 years of success brings the company to the next generation of innovation. With their new vision ‘designed for living’, Brabantia is ready to make big steps for the future. The first step is to implement a complete teamwall.

Marc Hellinx, plantmanager at Brabantia S&L Belgium has started the whole teamwall project and says: “I visited an organisation in China where teamwalls were used. On these teamwalls the working methods for the employees were visualised on a teamwall. I also wanted to implement this way of standardizing at Brabantia”.
After the first meeting with TnP Visual Workplace during an Belgian scholarship, Marc requested TnP to create a similar team wall for Brabantia. “The Visual Management advisor visited us twice to brainstorm about the design of the teamwall. Theses brainstorm sessions were very inspiring and went very smoothly. TnP Visual Workplace quickly offered us a first design which was very much appreciated.”
TnP Visual Workplace has finally delivered a completely tailor-made teamwall with the corporate identity of Brabantia included. The teamwall consists of a number of panels of the material DIBOND®, which are placed on metal frames. On these panels there were placed different visualisation boards with the LEAN working methods visualised on it.

Change of culture
“I am very proud of this project”, says the Plantmanager, “it is the first step to the future, an solid foundation. At Brabantia we seek for more commitment and unity, and due to the teamwall we have succeeded in that”. Hellinx also tells us:”Quality is an important element in our company. I believe that everything you do should be a reflection of what you produce. The teamwall helps us with that every day.” There has been a real change of culture at Brabantia:
“In the beginning the employees felt really uncomfortable with the teamwall. We recognized the people were very restrained about this project but quickly a real culture switch was born. For example, the employees now make better appointments with each other and they now feel free to appeal others to their responsibilities. Sometimes you just need to dare to lead.”
The result
This project has created a solid base for a long-term cooperation between TnP Visual Workplace and Brabantia. Marc tells us: “Everything we had imagined, has become reality”.

Are you curious about the possibilities?
Are you curious about the possibilities for your company? We would like to think about an tailor-made solution for you. Please contact TnP Visual Workplace.