Shadowboards fixed place for the line change overs
Every day they provide millions of customers with dairy products, containing valuable nutrients from milk. As a supplier of dairy-based beverages, infant nutrition, cheese and desserts, they are a real marketleader. For this client reference, we are visiting the FrieslandCampina factory based in Leeuwarden (NL) to offer a tailor-made solution to create fixed places for the production line change overs in the factory.

Joop Simons, the allround foodoperator at the multinational, realised that it was very necessary to organise the workplace so all materials were easy to find. Because TnP Visual Workplace has been a loyal supplier of FrieslandCampina for a very long while, Joop decided to let TnP create a solution: “In our factory we work with different line change overs. Due to these line change overs, the products are led into the right direction. Recently the line change overs didn’t have a fixed place and where lying on the ground which was very dangerous. We had to find a solution for storing these materials”.
Organising the factory of FrieslandCampina with 5S as a base, was a very challenging project for TnP. TnP supplied shadowboards with unique shadows of the line change overs. TnP also thought about how implementing Visual Management could result in more efficiency in the company. The line change overs are now provided with different recognizable colours that correspond with the colours used on the visualisation boards. Also every line is provided with an unique linenumber, which is known by all the employees of the department. These unique numbers are visualised on the boards. To foster standardisation, magnetic ring binders with working instructions were placed on the boards to inform the employees in the workplace. Increasing security in the production hall is a subject TnP also has made a contribution to by placing protective edges.

Suitable sheet material
Together with TnP, FrieslandCampina had decided that the Economy shadowboards where the most suitable to use in the production halls. Economy shadowboards are made of a plastic sheet, named FOREX. This type of material is very suitable to use in environments where people work with already packed products.
The reaction of Joop Simons after implementing the shadowboards in the factory: “The shadowboards now match with the line change overs. Nowadays, we know exactly where to place the line change overs. A tailor-made solution with large returns in efficiency. The percentage of faultless productions increased. The employees doesn’t spend time anymore searching for the right line change overs because of the shadowboards, which results in better performances.”
Different platematerials of shadowboards
After the first delivery in the department, the supervisors where surprised and decided to implement the 5S improvement process in the whole organisation. “The production processes have been improved and take less time after placing shadowboards”, says Joop.

Want to know more about the solutions of TnP?
If you would like to know how your organisation could take advantage of shadowboards, we’d be delighted to brainstorm with you about a suitable solution for your company. We are specialized in Visual Management and in providing customised products and advice. Curious? Please contact us on the following page: Contact TnP.